Our approach

We help our clients achieve measurable growth by providing a clear picture of the existing customer base (segmentation) and developing a strategy to increase profit per customer (monetization).

These stages are interlinked, as the monetization approach is usually tailored to a particular customer segment.
Our approach

We help our clients achieve measurable growth by providing a clear picture of the existing customer base (segmentation) and developing a strategy to increase profit per customer (monetization).

These stages are interlinked, as the monetization approach is usually tailored to a particular customer segment.
Stage 1. Customer segmentation
We collect and merge customer data from available sources:
  • Sales data
  • Product logs
  • Marketing data
  • Customer personal attributes
  • Other sources

We build a 360-degree view on the customer base within two weeks.

After that, we use multiple dimensions for customer segmentation:
  • By spendings, frequency & recency of purchase (RFM)
  • By product preferences
  • By customer life cycle stage
  • By purchasing channel
Depending on the business model, a certain dimension may prevail.

The most universal set of dimensions is RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary), where we segment audiences by spend level, frequency of purchase and recency of last purchase:
In most cases, this is not enough and we dig deeper to uncover product preferences:
Read our latest case study - a project for a major pharmacy chain.

When segmentation is done, we switch to monetization stage, where we develop a tailored monetization approach for each customer segment.
Stage 2. Monetization
Stage 2. Customer monetization

Depending on the business model, we consider three ways to monetize our client's customer base:

a. Create profitable CRM campaigns

A proprietary Yalladata engine generates multiple test campaigns, analyses the results and generates new campaigns: some to scale and others for further testing.

The Yalladata engine uses an iterative test & learn process to generate the best parameters for CRM marketing campaigns:
  • customer parameters (by segment, by last purchase, etc.)
  • cashback amount and validity period
  • discount on a specific product/service

b. Optimizing pricing strategies

We use the different price elasticity of different customer segments to generate additional profit through improved pricing strategies.

Price differentiation can take several forms:
  • direct price discrimination (rare case)
  • personal discounts
  • product bundling

There is always an opportunity to increase profit per customer by exploiting the low price elasticity of demand for some customer segments.

c. Improve customer journeys on the website/mobile app

We develop product improvement proposals that optimise customer journeys, increase critical conversions and help reduce churn.

Ultimately, optimised customer journeys help to increase profit per customer.

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